Thursday, July 8, 2010

here lah weiliang

Global warming is the rise of

the average global temperature.

Is it true? TRUE

Greenhouse gases trap energy in

the atmosphere to make the

earth warmer. Is it true? TRUE

Global warming causes flooding.

Is it true? TRUE

Sunspot affects global warming.

Is it true? FALSE

The gases that cars produce does

not affect global warming. Is it

true? FALSE

Global warming is mostly caused

by the Americans. Is it true?


Global warming does not affect

the ozone layer. Is it true?


Global warming has a lower

percentage of destroying the

Earth. Is it true? FALSE

Earth's climate had changed flo

since 50 years ago due to global

warming. TRUE

Global warming had caused the

glaciers throughout the world to

start melting. Is it true? TRUE

The increase of global warming

will cause the Earth to go cooler.


Air conditioner will stop global

warming. FALSE

Global warming is caused by

humans and its activities. TRUE

Global warming had caused a

hole in the ozone layer. Is it

true? TRUE

Global warming causes

hurricane. Is it true?TRUE

The Earth explodes or be

thrown out of orbit is

caused by global warming.

Is it true? FALSE

All places around the

Equator are warm. TRUE

Pollution will not affect

global warming. FALSE

Cutting down of trees will

increase greenhouse effect.


Food availability will increase

even with global warming.



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