Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reflection for lesson 9

The three things which i learnt that by doing a survey for our ipw projec allow us to know our audience reactions and feelings for each uestions asked.I learnt that it is important to choose the right audience as it may effect the result.For our survey we chose teens as our audience.the results shown were very confusing and unclear.Lastly is the part when we did our presentation.
Mrs Neo told us on how we could do for our presentation.
The two intersting things were surveying and the brainstorming for our project.
During the survey we can see different people reactions to the survey and during the barinstorming i found it very fun,as our group communicated very easily and proceeded very far in dicuusion, sharing our ideas.The only difficulty was the part which our teamates were not in a mood in doing the project and makes me very irrated

The End
i luv ipw ftw!


Mrs Neo said...

Why is your post so similar to Wei Liang?
Please have your own ideas and not simply copy from your team-mates.
This is not right.

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