Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lesson 6 reflection (weiyang)

In this lesson we learnt how to make a survey.We brainstormed on the questions we will be using for the survey. Our target population is 50. Size of the survey would be 1/4 if a a4 paper.WE will only be using 5 questions. What I learnt from doing a survey as this allow us know what the public prefer .I fine surveys easy to understand as it give us more ideas from the public on how we can improve our weather game.

Tan Wei Yang Thee:)

Monday, February 22, 2010

lesson 6(Tian Zhen)

reflection on lesson 5

i and weiliang have been assigned to work on the board game. i and my group member will deside what to put on the board.


i and weiliang will incharge of doing the project. i and him intend to put some enviromental issues on the board . and people will learn while they are playing the game.

Reflection 5 (Tian Zhen)

Yeah,finally i have the time to sit down and write my reflection,although the lesson was over like 2weeks ago,i can still recall what we have done during that lesson.
Firstly ,we have given our game a name call the 3Tyz 's weather game.Then we settle the final task for everyone to do which i had already uploaded on that lesson.
Wei qin and weiliang will be the designer of the game.Weiyang will be deciding what materials used for the game,jian sheng and me will still be doing our old task which is researching on global warning.
Everyone had participated in the project,and i'm glad to say that my group have really improved a lot on team work,they listened to instructions and done the task that they asked to do.
i wish next lesson will be better and our team members will done their task well.

God bless and happy new year.
Tian Zhen(the team leader)

Research on Global warming (Jian Sheng)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reflection of lesson 5 (weiyang)

Today we decided of the roles for the project 3tyz weather game .weiqin and weiliang are in charge of the overall game design.I myself would be doing the materials.Tianzhen and jian sheng are in charge o the research for the questions use for the game.
We decided to change our idea of a monopoly type of game to a snake and ladder type of game which was from the idea of weiqin. What i like about the lesson today as our group really started seriously on the project and we know that we are on the right track.I am very thankful for that.
Thanks jiansheng for doing yr homework but please post it on the blog

Monday, February 8, 2010

Research for lesson 5

 I have viewed the project planner done by Tian Zhen. Although i am not with them, but i will do the task that Tian Zhen told me to do. I would ensure to research on global warming.

project planning.

Tian Zhen

My Reflection 5

My Reflection 5

In this lesson, we came up with the weather game called "3Tyz weather game". It is like the game of snake and ladder, with pieces and dice on a board. We were dispersed to our respective jobs. Tian Zhen and Jian Sheng are in charge of the research on the game, Wei Qin and I are in charge of the design of the board game and also lastly, Wei Yang will be in charge of the materials of the game. Also, we decide when to start our job and when to stop. For the research, Tian Zhen and Jian Sheng will start on the research today, Wei Qin and I will start the design of the board game on Thursday and Wei Yang will start buying his materials today. Also, Jian Sheng is sick today and did not attend the lesson.

By Yew Wei Liang

reflection on lesson 4 (zhao weiqin)

in this lesson, our group have done the group idea and came to a conclusion of what we will do for the board game. we use the guiding question to guide us , so that we know what we are doing for this project.

Reflection for lesson 3

Because i cannot upload the reflection, i asked my friends and they show me how to upload, so i am going to upload now.

Reflection for lesson 5

Today, because i am sick, hence i cannot attend the IPW lesson. While at home, i have done a lot of research on how to make the game more interesting. I had thought of some idea, for example, we should make the game colourful and attractive, so people would be attracted to play the game. And the game should be humorous, so people who played this game can be very happy and have a lot of laughter. We can also draw some cartoon character in this game, because many student like to watch cartoon, when they saw the cartoon character they like, they would play the game.
Not only how to make the game more interesting, i have do some research on global warming. I took some information, and write them down in point form, next lesson i could show them.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lesson 4.

on this week Monday,my group was having our IPW lesson at class.
Since we had already change our topic for the project to a game about global warning,we started on some guiding questions such as :the materials we will be using for the project,what is about global warming and how to make the game interesting.we have changed our target from children to teenagers.
As the leader of the group ,i have given each of the members a task to do.i wish them will finish their task in order to make our project run smoothly.
In the lesson,everyone was participated in the project,team members had given some ideas ,and was much better the week before.i think we have shown improvement.
Now,our project is very clear,everyone have already known what to do.i hope that next week can be much better.

And a last reminder to the team:
please download lesson 5,and read through the powerpoint slide to prepare for next lesson.


Monday, February 1, 2010

reflection of lesson 4

Today our group decided what we should do to carry out the weather.We decided that the game would be something like monopoly.We then followed our guiding questions and brainstormed as a group. Assigning jobs for each for our groups members for each guiding question.We also started on our research on global warming and its weather effects.The jobs for our group.

Weil iang is in charge of the materials
Wei qin in charge of research

I ,jian sheng and tian zhen were in charge of how to make the more interesting and planning of the game set.

We will be doing our research and be posting it on the blog

Your regards,
WeiYang your assistant leader thee! :)